Our take on the classic creamed spinach side dish uses fresh spinach and cream cheese as a thickener. It's a crowd pleasing recipe that's popular with...
Soufflés have a reputation for being temperamental, but they're actually very simple. They get their signature height from stiffly beaten egg whites....
This scalloped potatoes recipe is a traditional recipe that can be prepped the night before serving. Creamy with a cheesy topping, scalloped potatoes can...
McIntosh apples make a traditional applesauce, but using a mix of varieties gives dimension. You can stir in up to three tablespoons dark-brown sugar,...
Making your own strawberry jam is as easy as one-two-three. The only ingredients you need to make this recipe are whole, hulled strawberries, sugar, and...
Greek potatoes are roasted with lemon juice and dried Greek oregano; lemon is so central to Greek cooking that the term a la grecque (French for "in the...
Homemade salad dressing elevated the simplest of salads. Try French dressing on mixed greens, sliced vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, or drizzled...
When the garden is overflowing with zucchini, pickle them and put them on burgers, sandwiches, or enjoy one by itself. Make sure to not skip the step of...
A variety of vegetables, a rich tomato base, and just the right amount of spice make this vegetarian chili a satisfying option in only 35 minutes. Vegetarians...
Traditional lasagna goes vegetarian when you substitute the meat for vegetables like spinach and zucchini. Layer this spinach lasagna with 3 types of cheese...
Don't wait until the holidays to enjoy the honeyed flavor and velvety texture of this colorful root vegetable. Serve mashed sweet potatoes as a side dish...
The skins from stone fruit will contribute color and flavor to the jam. But for a smoother mixture, you can start by peeling peaches or nectarines: Carve...
This classic French dish can be baked up to eight hours ahead. Let it cool completely, then cover loosely with foil, and refrigerate. To serve, reheat...
Tzimmes is a traditional stew for Passover, made from a combination of sweet potatoes and dried fruit. This crowd-pleasing side dish is easy to make so...
This supremely simple dish is rich with the flavor of maple. Although it requires last-minute preparation, the recipe is easy enough to tackle no matter...
Roasted garlic is an easy and affordable way to add a savory boost to almost any meal. The long, slow cooking mellows the garlic's bite and leaves rich,...
Because it's very tart, rhubarb is always cooked with sugar (or other sweetener). It is often combined with red fruits, such as strawberries or raspberries,...
With lentils and cremini mushrooms as well as the traditional carrots and peas, this vegetarian take on the traditional British potato-topped Shepherd's...
Serve this sweet sauce with breakfast breads or on top of oatmeal. If you prefer a chunkier sauce, start with slightly smaller pieces of pear, and don't...
Transform a bag of cranberries into an irresistible sweet-and-savory chutney by including them in your cooking. The best part? This condiment can easily...
Depending on which roast you're making, the green beans can be sauteed with garlic and shallots to serve with the crown roast of pork or with chili garlic...